How are you feeling, how are you doing?
It’s a funny old world at the moment. Depending on which newspaper you read we’re either hanging on in there or facing recession whilst judging from reader feedback, trade is a bit all over the place ... one week manic, the next as dead as a dodo!
But with Christmas looming (it’s less than 150 days away) this is the month to start planning ... not least getting the wreath classes sorted and beginning the buying! But how are you feeling and what challenges are you expecting or are you totally confident it will all pan out ... albeit last minute as always!!
It’s been a while since we’ve done a State of the Nation survey, but we’d love to know how you are doing, what your plans are and what we can help with.
It shouldn’t take long ... most of the questions are tick boxes although there is plenty of space for you to write fuller answers and on this one, as an added incentive and thank you, we’ll be giving away three £50 John Lewis vouchers to spend on a pre-Christmas treat of your own.
To take part and help us understand how the industry is feeling click this link