Caroline Marshall-Foster

Flower Power for Her Majesty
Oh my gosh!
Having seen the outpouring of love and respect for The Queen Mother and then Princess Diana I knew there would be flowers for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II but having visited Green Park* - the official location for floral tributes - I never imagined just how many people would choose flowers to show their respect, their love and their sorrow.
But was ever thus. Since time immemorial florists - and here I mean traditional independent florists as they are the ONLY part of the sector that truly provides a full service - have conveyed every known emotion through the power of flowers and, from cradle to grave, offered comfort and succour even when things have been tough - you only have to think back to the early days of Covid to see that.
How sad then that some people seem to think that all florists are somehow profiteering from Her Majesty's passing or that suddenly all our worries are gone away. Oh that it were true!
In truth it is the supermarkets that have seen the main increase in sales and for many independent florists it has been relatively quiet plus they have had to cope with rising prices as aforementioned supermarkets hoover up flowers to cope. Oh yes and carry out their normal work as well, including all the funeral flowers needed for other families.
This is not the time to get involved or respond. But it does show how important it is that we showcase the real stories about our wonderful industry and share the amazing things we do.
In the meantime I really hope YOU are all doing OK, or as well as you can be given the sad times we find ourselves in. Whether a Royalist or not, this period of National Mourning is and will have a profound impact in many ways, especially given all the other issues going on.
All I can say is that I for one NEVER forget just how hard florists work and know full well just how tough it is. To everyone who has done something to help celebrate Her Majesty’s life, however much or little, be proud. Flowers may be a money making commodity for some but for the majority of florists they are a way of life and that's what is important at times like this.
Kind regards