Let's be Proud of our industry ... it's fabulous!
As I end the year, I reflect on all the places I have been and all the wonderful people I have met. In fact, my ‘2023 world tour’ of the amazing flower industry hasn’t just been fun but, yet again impressed me big time with its mix of determination, enthusiasm and sheer b****y mindedness to succeed whatever gets thrown at it; oh yes and do the right thing wherever and whenever it is possible.
In fact, ‘being on the road’ at every type of event and across the globe confirmed just how exciting and wonderful the WHOLE flower industry is.
Allowed me to see first-hand how much is happening pretty much everywhere to make sure the industry is as ‘People, Planet, Profit’ friendly as it can be.
Emphasised that what we sell is so much more than just flowers but an entire system of happiness and feel-good factors that start from the point the flower is grown right through to the point it is delivered to the final recipient … a message we need to shout loud and proud about!
Because, having seen first hand a zillion flowers and plants never mind all the sundries and gizmos (I got seriously excited by a hoover at the potting house at Colombian based Capiro!!!) there is so much more to this industry than most ever realise.
And the people … oh the people! Meeting hundreds and hundreds of amazing people, from every part of the sector and world, proved that there is really something rather special about this barking mad industry that keeps me renewed, refreshed and re-invigorated!
Not going to lie. I was pleased to put my suitcase away for the last time and have some family time ... yes I have one! But I start the New Year with a clear run to report on all I have learned (including a lot about spiders!), sort out tech and maybe crack a podcast or two I am absolutely convinced my cunning plan for 2024 is absolutely the right thing to do … more news soon!
In the meantime, to EVERYONE** who made me feel so welcome wherever I have been over the last 12 months a huge thank you … People Power is as wonderful as Flower Power!
A fabulous combination that makes me very proud to be part of this industry!
** PS: There is NO way I could include everyone I have met/seen/talked to ... this montage is just a taster - please don't be offended if you are not included!