Quit the shaming ... good stuff IS happening!
Confess I get mighty irritated by people who use social media to tell the world - not always correctly as they tend to use very old research and questionable sources - that the flower industry is some sort of cesspit of wrongdoing.
They also seem to think it’s cool to make other florists feel guilty - especially about using foam and imported flowers.
To me it’s like fat shaming, not only cruel but - as research shows on fat shaming - probably counter-productive, never mind failing to take into account that this is people's livelihoods and ability to eat they are having a go at.
Thing is I don’t think there is a single florist worth their salt who doesn’t want to be greener, cleaner, more sustainable ... heck I actually think most florists already are pretty green, clean and sustainable.
Because the majority of gift deliveries are hand tieds or presentation wraps which aren’t wrapped in swathes of cellophane or feature yards and yards of polyprop ribbon but either naked or use planet friendly wrap, binding, tape and boxes simply because said florists have already made changes and are actively looking at how they can make more.
The same applies to event floristry. Where florists can go foam free, they will without question. However, there are many venues who won't allow water-only designs because of the risk to artefacts and the fabric of ancient buildings and so foam - obviously one of the new ‘greener’ types rather than traditional formulas - is essential if said event florist wants to earn a living. Morals are great but sadly don't pay the rent or salary bill.
Funeral work has also seen major changes. Whilst the tribute to Her Majesty The Queen was raved about as being ground breaking, truth is florists throughout the UK have been making natural, no foam tributes for years. It isn't a new phenomenon - heck it's how we used to make them years ago - it just hasn't had the same level of PR.
And as for imported flowers? Well not only does it allow for year-round trading – not everyone can shut for 3 – 6 months – but pretty much every flower that comes into the UK is part of at least one, if not more, social and environmental programmes be it MPS, Florverde, FairTrade et al. Programmes that demand growers to use water wisely, treat their staff well and only use permitted pesticides – that last one assuming they aren’t already one of the many who has chosen to go au natural.
And let's not forget that imported flowers, like fruit and vegetables, provide much needed work - and ergo money - for food, education and housing in countries that desperately need it. Stop imports and you effectively put hundreds of thousands of people into poverty … not something I’d want on my conscious.
It may not make for sensational headlines and huge outpouring on social media, but the truth is change HAS been happening in the industry for over 25 years; I know because I’ve been reporting it since forever and - as you can see above - still have the picture of me eating natural fertilisers back in 2003! Oh yes and I made my Dad a totally foam free tribute too!
So please. To the people that think it's clever to try and pick holes, criticise the way people are making their living or crow about how wonderful being foam/import free is, can you please think twice and do your research before you start bashing away at the keyboard. IMO it isn't clever, it's elitist* and actually borders on the nasty.
The florist sector is not perfect – like every industry there is always more we can do - but let's celebrate the good as much as criticise the bad.