Plan don't panic! Don’t get mad .. get ready!
I purposely didn't bombard our readers after English Lockdown 2 was announced as I reckoned everyone probably had more than enough on their plate. However, having seen what's been going on for the last couple of weeks and realising just how much tougher this one has been I thought I would share a few (well OK a lot of!) thoughts as we enter the next phase in the hope they might prompt some ideas that could help!
You see, if you’ve been around as long as I have you’ll know that November is ALWAYS a bit of a poo in terms of sales. However add in a Lockdown and it becomes a complete nightmare!
That said, if there had to be one this was probably the best time for the flower industry as a whole. Better now than in the real run up to Christmas although my heart does go out to areas where it is being extended past 2nd December.
And whilst I know there are people out there doing very well ... some florists are actually praying for a lull so they can start prepping for Crimbo ... for many others it’s been dire; again proving the theory that there is no rhyme nor reason and deffo no one size fits all.
Supplies are a bit all over the place; one reader told me she couldn’t even get pins and when she did they were rubbish ... well actually pointless (dodgy joke time!); some flowers are under pressure again in terms of availability and EVERYONE wanted wreath boxes to send out kits; one manufacturer saying he’s never known anything like it in 30 years as he announced he’d run out!
Add in the fact that every Tom, Dick and Harry (Thomasina, Cressida and Harriett to make it PC) leapt on the wreath market and it has to be said that independent florists could be forgiven for thinking they were being 'got at'. Indeed when I read that florists were specifically excluded from selling Christmas Trees (see note 1) it did seem someone had it in for them.
In truth it has been a bit all over the place this time. The rules about who could and couldn’t sell things and how they could be sold has been muddled to put it politely. Then more angst was caused by the way some interpreted said muddled rules, at times, more bent than a Uri Geller spoon ... explanation of who he is for younger readers in note 2!
But I’m going to say that compared to many, many small businesses the flower sector has had, and still has, everything going for it.
Ability to work behind closed doors, a range that doesn’t always have to be seen and touched to be bought and a chance to offer click and collect or delivery. It doesn’t help totally and it doesn’t mean you can’t feel totally hacked off (I’m not that nice!!) but let’s face it there are some businesses who didn't have any choices and simply won’t survive this!
Luckiest of all is that the flower industry still has the three biggest peaks to come. Christmas will happen ... it won’t be normal but it will happen and predictions are big time! Valentine’s will be good even though it’s a Sunday and possibly better than good given people are unlikely to be able to go away whilst Mother’s Day will be a belter because flowers are THE thing to buy.
But it will only work if you organise yourselves within an inch of your lives.
The days till Lockdown is over are almost irrelevant ... it’s about getting through the next few weeks and months especially now Tiers are being announced. That means you need not just Plan A but a Plan B, C and maybe even a D to cover off all the possibilities.
Which is why my advice would be stop worrying about today and tomorrow, instead check you’ve got everything in order for the months ahead before you are too busy to do anything.
1: Read our Making Lockdown #2 Work for You article (thank you to everyone who said nice things about it) to see if there's anything you've missed.
2: Make sure you’ve claimed all the benefits still available to you (there’s a second payment for eligible businesses this month ... talk to your local council) and, if you haven't and are eligible, apply for a Business Bounce Back Loan before 30th November; not necessarily to be spent (mine lurks on a deposit account) but as a ‘just in case’ fund.
3: Re-assess your offerings. If that means cutting out those high volume but low profit holly wreaths etc do it. Yes, you may let some people down but you are not a charity. In fact cut anything that doesn’t show a decent profit.
4: Do any and all prep you can for Christmas now to avoid overtime in December.
5: Only buy any additional sundries and accessories that can work for all three peaks so you can use everything ... think copper/soft gold/bronze, pewter etc rather than only bright reds and golds.
6: Look at furloughing staff or cutting shops hours in January and pruning the range you offer down to a capsule collection rather than every flower and plant under the sun to avoid wastage.
7: Revisit your figures and see if there is anything else you can cut and also to check exactly where you are. Some readers are telling me turnover may be down but profit is up so it can be good rather than bad! Keep management accounts monthly so you see exactly where you are.
In short plot, plan and prep like you have never done before to make sure you are a survivor. Maybe not as fun as making gorgeous wreaths but essential.
And finally - and most importantly ... make sure YOU look after YOU and if you need a wobble moment take it.
Wobbles, tears or throwing things at the wall are all totally permissible in these strange times.
They shouldn’t predominate .... if they do I shall send chocolate! ... but allowing yourself to be angry is incredibly important so you get it out of your system and can then refocus on getting through it.
It may all sound a bit new wave but trust me; as someone who has hurled many a thing across the room it’s jolly helpful ... oh yes and jigsaws ... see note 3!
In the meantime stay safe, take care, hang on in there.
This time next month, and all being well, we'll all be sitting with our feet up watching a corny Christmas movie!!
Footnote 1
Whilst legislation notes indicated any retailer could sell Christmas Trees the fine detail published in a separate and very hidden document said this under the permitted retailers allowed to open; “Garden centres, agricultural supplies shops, and Christmas tree businesses, including Christmas tree farms. This does not include florists, nurseries, or foresters who can continue operating through click-and-collect and delivery services. Given the whole thing is a nonsense (I don’t know many foresters who offer click and collect) whilst I would love to help and give a definitive answer truth is there seems to be huge variance region to region in the interpretation so would simply say; when it comes to any activity you want to do (be it opening, running a workshop or selling something) please check with your local Trading Standards Office or Council. It is making my brain hurt and I reckon I can be more useful in other areas!!
Footnote 2
Uri Geller - pictured above with Pim van Kleef - is an Israeli-British illusionist known for his trademark television performances of spoon bending and other illusions. Interesting Factoid is that back in 2003 he launched the new Metz (now known as FleuraMetz) look at Spring Florist Event ... the massive exhibition and design show we used to hold every January. A logistical nightmare but oh so fun as the curtains rose to 'reveal' their stand!!
Footnote 3
With a psychologist daughter I am learning all about mindfulness and whilst jigsaws may seem an old person’s thing I can hand on heart say they can be incredibly therapeutic and have got me and her though a fair few God awful moments. Just a word of warning! Unless you are a total masochist don’t get ones with too much sky or grass ... that can cause way too much angst! ... and the four x 500 pieces are great as they're both cost effective and fit on an A3 bulletin board so you can do them on your lap. These are my three faves from the last few months!
Caroline Marshall-Foster