Beware price comparisons! Make sure it’s a like for like!
We know there have been some scary price rises this week – especially on White Double – but it is a temporary blip and needs to be put in context.
Because whilst recent changes in the inspection process may (and we emphasise may) add a penny a stem at best, the reason for the big jump is International Women’s Day (IWD) which falls on March 8th.
And this week (Week 8) is when buyers … particularly in Eastern European markets and Russia … place their orders which has and will create a huge pressure on prices.
You also need to be sure that you are comparing like for like. For example, we’ve seen prices quoted for double white ranging from 82p to £1.65 but … and it’s a big but … not only are the weights and grades different but the auction day is crucial as well.
The cheaper ones are probably from Friday, the more expensive from Monday’s auction and a direct result of heavy buying over the weekend. And of course, when it comes to Chrysanth, it will also depend greatly on whether you are buying a top end, top grade 90g weight or a thinner, smaller headed 80g.
It also depends greatly on how your wholesaler does their pricing. Some work on a straight 40/50% markup whatever the cost, others will jiggle their stem price week to week to absorb the higher costs so that you get a more consistent, round year price … another reason to have a really strong and honest relationship with your supplier.
Hopefully, the bulk of the big buying for IWD will end this week as it will need to be transported in Week 9 (26th Feb onwards) but there is no doubt, especially for UK florists that the closeness of IWD to Mother’s Day is a real pain and you need to be extremely canny on your buying.
Our advice is:
1: Pre-order at fixed prices where you can … you’ll be able to work out your margins and know you’ve got delivery guaranteed. Yes you can wait and try and play the clock to get a cheaper deal but it can also backfire big time.
2: Look at ways you can add volume without huge expense .. for example, dyed Asparagus Plumosa may seem hellish expensive, but a bundle goes a long, long, long way – even the tiniest bits work great in arrangements - and is fabulous for adding oomph and perceived value at a relatively low cost.
3: Invest in twigs … a saviour in our book and another way of creating visual impact at a relatively low cost.
4: Think different colour combos … pink will always carry a premium but mix and match with other colours like oranges, blues and yellows to create impact.
5: Choose filler flowers that have impact . OK it’s not the cheap filler it once was but nothing beats Wax Flower in our book for prettiness and adds volume at a not bad price especially if you buy the bigger, better grades where you can use all the side shoots for arrangements and still have decent heads for hand tieds.
6: Don’t underestimate the power of a hydrangea head … not just as a cost-effective basing alternative when double is pricy but a couple in a bouquet can double the size and look totally lush. You must, especially if buying Colombian, make sure you cut and condition them properly on arrival but they are a brilliant way to add value.