British Florist Association Hubs kick off in Glasgow
The BFA are excited to announce that their first Hub of 2024 will take place at Country Baskets in Glasgow on 19th May followed by Sheffield at The Mowbray on 9th June, Flowervision in Bristol on 30th June and Tom Brown Wholesale in Southeast London on 14th July.
The days, which follow the same format, are not only designed to encourage florists to mingle, chat and connect with BFA so that they can continue to build a strong community together for the future but will pay host to the heats of the UK Florist of the Year competition which are being generously sponsored by Oasis® Floral Products.
And although we don’t have finite details, BFA say on their website “the days will start with networking and lunch before getting into some exciting and relevant activities aimed at supporting business and elevating your knowledge. Both business info and fresh products will be there to boost your business savvy and fuel your creative fire.”
Competitions for all!
The competition element at each venue is aimed at florists who are looking to have creative fun and enhance their careers at the same time. … oh yes and for the senior class – the UK Florist of the Year and open to florists with more than 5 years’ experience maybe represent the UK in the Florint World Cup Floral Art 2025 at the Hague in the Netherlands!
For florists with less than five years’ experience, the UK Florist of the Year: Newcomer competition is aimed at replacing the WorldSkills UK competition which is no longer funded by the government for our profession.
At each heat contestants will bring a ready-made design to be staged and judged on the day. Seniors will be asked to make a fashion accessory of their choice to promote any aspect of our fabulous industry whilst Juniors are asked to make a Hand Tied design … both classes allowing an area of 60 x 60 and no height limit.
Each heat will be judged by the UK Floristry Judges Guild and at each heat, a, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be announced and certificates presented. All competitors will receive a participation certificate to keep as part of their professional journey and once all heats are completed, the points will be collated and the top scoring competitors in each category will be invited to compete at the final.
The live competition final will be at FleurEx 2024 in September where the competitors for both titles will be asked to create a range of designs from pre-made, to pre-planned and surprise tasks with the winner of the UK Florist of the Year going on to represent the UK in The Florint World Cup Floral Art 2025 at the Hague in the Netherlands.
For the full competition schedules click this link o book tickets and sign up for the competitions click this link Hub Meetings and UK Florist of the Year Competition. - British Florist Association
To book tickets click here BFA Hub meetings and UK Florist of the Year 2024 | Eventbrite