British Flowers Week ... mark the date!
Even in these strange times life goes on and British Flowers Week is no exception. Not just a chance to celebrate all thing florally British but a great PR opportunity as well.
Founded eight years ago by the UK’s premier flower supplier, New Covent Garden Market, the event runs 15 – 21 June to give a whole week to celebrate and support our country’s floral industry; from keen gardeners and flower lovers to florists, growers and wholesalers.
And with the theme of ‘Healing’ it’s the perfect way to show just how powerful flowers can be when it comes to providing succour and hope to everyone, whatever the occasion.
Speaking about the campaign Rebecca Barrett, Director of Communications and Marketing at New Covent Garden Market told us: “During these difficult times, it is more important than ever to support British businesses and help them flourish. British Flowers Week is a week-long campaign uniting the floral industry with a love for British flowers and with everyone’s help, we’re hoping to use this year to put Britain’s best blooms on display across the country.”
In 2020 it’s all about YOU getting involved. Because what NCGM would like florists to do is show their support by creating British Flowers Week installations where passers-by can enjoy them;
Maybe a special display in your window - you may be working behind closed doors but it’s important to keep interest levels up - or a special design you share on your social media channels or perhaps a Lonely Bouquet campaign where you can share your designs to spread the Healing message. You could even hold a virtual event such as a garden tour, flower arranging tutorials or Instagram live workshop.
Whatever you do though make sure everyone knows you are involved. Not just locally but if you use the hash tags the lovely NCGM people will be retweeting, regramming and FB sharing to spread the message even more so make sure you use #BritishFlowersWeek or @MarketFlowers on everything!
We’ll be updating you on the plans next week but why not spend the long weekend thinking about how you can get involved and not only support our British flower industry but help your own business as well. For more ideas and tips visit www.britishflowersweek.com or contact