Floral Fundamentals Open Days are Go!
If you haven’t made plans for next weekend (24/25 June) then why not make a flying visit to The Netherlands for the first Open House Weekend organised by Floral Fundamentals.
Because for the first time Floral Fundamentals has decided to open its doors and visitors will be welcomed at more than 14 of their Growers, can take part in lectures, witness the behind-the-scenes work that goes on in our photo shoots and see ongoing demonstrations too. They can even take in the fun at the Westland Flower Parade to add to the atmosphere. Best of all there is FREE access to everything.
Described as a “Magical Mystery Tour” by Floral Fundamentals founder Alison Bradley, there will also be opportunities to learn about photography for social media and websites, learn the latest Trends and the reasons why Floral Fundamentals was started and a chance to shop at the Boerma Instituut for an array of books and sundries.
At the other end of the spectrum Floral Fundamental Grower members will share their passion for perfection and reveal their stunning varieties as you tour their greenhouses. And if all that wasn’t enough, they have Ambassadors flying in from around the world to take part in this event to share their knowledge and enthusiasm at the various locations and to decorate the greenhouses too!
The full list of Open Doors and route map is available by clicking here, you can see all the ambassadors taking part below (it is an awesome line up!), the ‘route’ stretches from Aalsmeer to Westland in a rough circle, the doors will open at 10.00 am until 16.00 pm each day and although there is no official timetable there will be a warm welcome wherever and whenever you go as Alison explained.
“We were asked asked if there would be a timetable of events,” said Alison Bradley “but that is not feasible. We want people to come and see what happens in real time. The Ambassadors will be at 3 key venues – Marginpar and Boerma Instituut in Aalsmeer and Lugt Lisianthus in Westland where visitors will see them at work. Each grower’s greenhouse is a treasure house for florists and floral designers alike and each venue will offer tips and ideas ranging from conditioning to new varieties.”
The events kick off at 10.00 on Saturday and run through to 16.00 on Sunday … for all the latest news follow Floral Fundamentals on Facebook and Instagram or click here for the route map.