Fleuramour cancelled ... Fleur Creatif closes
We are sad to report that the amazing FleurAmour, scheduled for September, will not happen and that the leading design magazine FleurCreatif has ceased publication.
The decision to wind up Rekad, the holding company of the two activities was taken a few weeks ago and made the event impossible to happen as the two were so intertwined.
Held against the historic backdrop of the Grand Commandery of Alden Biesen, FleurAmour was scheduled to be a four-day floral extravaganza with more than 400 floral artists from all over the world working on the theme: ‘Flowers&Music’
Floral artists from Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Nederlands, Ukraine, Pakistan, Romania, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the USA had confirmed their participation in the 26th FleurAmour.
Whilst limited information is available the economic pressures of running a top level magazine has affected many many publishers and with reducing revenue streams it was unable to continue. As the event was so closely aligned the knock on effect is understandable.