Fleurex moves to Nottingham in September
The British Florist Association have just announced the dates for their annual show which has moved to the end of September (28th/29th) and will be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham.
It’s early days but what we do know is that the weekend will include
- Exhibitors: Both fresh, sundry and services
- Demonstrations: Floral Designers providing inspiration
- Business drop-in sessions: Bursts of information on subjects relevant to your business
- Networking: Meet up with your peers and share ideas
- Industry Awards Evening: Celebrating each other’s success and highlighting the best of the best
- Competitions for all levels
- Live competition finals of UK Florist of the Year
More details will be available over the coming months, but the BFA say on their website it's promising to be an amazing show already. If are a supplier to the industry and interested in exhibiting, please contact the Chairman Nikki Meader