Flowers in Focus at Proflora
Colombia grows over 1400 different varieties of flower and foliages ... we reckon we saw pretty much all of them at Proflora 2019! But what were our favourites!?
To be honest it’s almost impossible to choose. The only thing we aren't big into are huge heliconia (unless they’re in a pure white gallery – then they become art!) but even then we saw some that made us giggle ... if only because they proved an interesting barrier to parking on one farm we visited.
But the rest? Well we oohed and ahhed over hundreds but to whittle it down to just a handful was impossible! So we're going to spread it out over the next few weeks which means this is your starter for 10 ... what do you think!
Rock bands unite courtesy of Flores san Juan... Moody Blues, Pink Floyd and Deep Purple ... rock on!
Not natural but oh so eyecatching! Just a few of the specailly dyed roses from Agrigan in Ecuador
We loved Scoop when it was introduced .. new Focal Scoop is even bigger and more gorgeous. Kudos to Danziger for this new introduction.
We've always been suckers for the orange Free Spirit but we are loving the deep pink Morisque as well. The interesting Greener is different and, we suspect, will sell.
She turned into the star of the show when she made her global debit at Proflora '19. Ptilotus exaltatus .. aka Matlilda ... a fabulous flower that will add oomph to all sorts of designs.
Pardon the pun but we think these are thrilling! Part of the new Thrill collection from the breeders SB Tallee ... Clockwise from top: Night Thrill, Tornasol Thrill and Colbalt Thrill.
Ranunculus always make us swooooon .... these new beauties nearly had us on the floor, especailly the oh so dreamy Hanoi on the right ... another set of winners from SB Tallee.