Flower Council of Holland reprieve ... work continues
After intense discussion, an agreement has been reached to continuing the funding for Flower Council of Holland in 2024.
Originally Royal FloraHolland had said it would cease collecting payments for activities carried out by the Flower Council of Holland at the end of 2023 which would have put the whole organisation at risk if no solution could be found.
However, as a result of intensive dialogue between Royal FloraHolland, VGB, growers, trade partners and the Flower Council of Holland ,it has been agreed that the auction WILL continue to collect funds until the end of 2024 – a welcome decision which not only allows for more discussion on future funding models but ensures both staff and project continuity.
The preferred alternative route of funding, a General Binding Declaration (GBD) went to vote in April. However, whilst the vast majority of growers (around 80%) voted in favour of a GBD not enough votes were cast by traders and so the required level of support was not obtained.
Given all three organisations still believe that a GBD is the best solution it will need to be redone but requesting a new GBD, including a new support assessment among growers and traders, requires a transitional year. This has now been secured with the commitment of Royal FloraHolland and approval of the Council of Members.
Both Royal FloraHolland and VGB have expressed their confidence in finding a new financing structure and updated strategy for the Flower Council of Holland by this autumn and have expressed their intention to actively help acquire a sufficient number of votes from their members.
Commenting on the decision Yvonne Watzdorf, head of Flower Council said she was pleased with the decision. “By continuing current payment collection via Royal FloraHolland in 2024, we have worked together to create room for a new GBD application that everyone can support. After all, we have all agreed from the very start that collective consumer marketing, consumer research and sector communication helps to create a strong image of the horticultural sector. We will continue to engage in dialogue with the sector about strategy and the accompanying decisions. Moreover, we are also extremely pleased that there is now clarity and hope for the staff of the Flower Council of Holland.”