Good Florist Event - Tickets now on sale
Need to kick start the new decade ... then why not come to Good Florist Event on January 26th! A business gathering like no other!
What is Good Florist Event?
Held at the Forest of Arden Marriott in Birmingham on January 26th and with a special Photography Master Class on Saturday at 16.00 hrs, GFE is a fun, fact filled day where like-minded florists can get together to talk, network and share ideas in a totally relaxed, informal way and very different way!
Because GFE is ONLY about the delegates!
Which means, unlike any other event, there are no sponsors, nobody trying to sell you anything and the speakers will only talk about the subject!
Best of all, because we’re working ‘in the round’ rather than sitting in rows in the dark, everyone will get to meet everyone and go away with fresh ideas, renewed enthusiasm and new friends as well.
Saturday 25th January
SPECIAL MASTER CLASS 16.00 Taking the perfect picture on your phone
Morgan Douglas Nuth isn’t just a fabulous florist but a demon with the phone camera as well!
Which is why we are delighted he has agreed to come up on the Saturday and do a special photography Master Class to show you some easy tricks and tips that will transform the way your pictures look and make your designs look even more fabulous!
19.00 Meet and Mingle
If you've decided to make a weekend of it don’t worry if you’re coming on your own or don’t know anyone. If you’re staying over our Meet and Mingle is the perfect way to break the ice and discover just how wonderful your fellow GFG’ers are. We’re not having a formal evening bash but given there are already a whole load of florists booked in and based on last time this will be a hoot! Bar meals are pretty good too.
To book a room we suggest you either register as a Marriott member or use Booking.com as they tend to have the lowest prices. See hotel details below.
Sunday 26th January
09.00 Registration
Tea coffee and yummy pastries when you arrive .. the perfect way to start the day!
09.45 Official Opening
If you're running late don't panic ... there'll be a special table at the back you can schnuck onto.
10.00 Show and Tell
No two shops are the same but every single one has something to teach us all. Which is why our 60 second Show and Tell session is such fun and a great way to kick start the day.
Whether it’s a hot selling design idea that leaps off the shelf, a time saving trick you’ve discovered or a marketing idea that had them flooding into the shop, this is where you can share it with your fellow florists knowing that they’ll be sharing their ideas with you too.
A total win win … after all who can help a florist better than another florist!!
11.15 How green can you get
Everyone knows sustainability matters and that protecting our planet is crucial. But we also know that going green isn’t always easy in the real world of everyday florist shop life and that things aren’t as black and white (never mind green!) as they seem.
This session is all about the baby steps you can instantly take to show your customers you care and ways you can move your design forward that show you are doing something without losing money. Led by Hannah Dunne you’ll also discover new insights into where - and crucially who - your flowers come from, and how that can make a huge difference as well as being a mighty strong marketing message.
12.45 Lunch break
A full lunch (all dietary requirements covered) is included in your delegate rate
14.00 Never mind the flowers what about the profit
You can make the most gorgeous design and sell it too. But are you making enough money on it? Not just to cover your costs but with a bit on top and something for a rainy day. And how do you do it without cutting corners, reducing quality or breaking the rules!
Led by Lesley Nash and Phil Suarez of Jennifleurs, Colchester and working on real life examples, this session is dedicated to all things finance from finding the right software to margins, mark up, flat rate VAT, making delivery pay and why over stuffing can bankrupt you. Add in some of the delegates best money saving ideas and tips and you could find yourself quids in!
15.30 Question Time
OK we may not have Fiona Bruce but all the other elements are in place for this quick fire, and totally open, Q & A session.
The panel – a mix of people who have seen the industry from all angles – will have practical solutions to anything you can fling at them and of course the roving mike will mean the audience will have their chance to pitch in as well! *
* In the unlikely event they don’t know the answer we’ll find someone who does!
16.30 Good Florist Event closes
What it costs?
Delegate Day Passes are just £72 +VAT for GFG members and £85+ VAT for non-GFG’ers.
A 10% discount on Team Member tickets is available for GFG members
The Delegate Day Rate includes all sessions on both Saturday and Sunday, tea, coffee, pastries and lunch on Sunday and VAT but excludes the booking fees charged by Eventbrite.
Make a Weekend of it!
The Forest of Arden Marriott, just outside Birmingham, is home to GFE. Nestled in the countryside with its own golf course, this 4* hotel is just 11 minutes from Birmingham International airport and 15 minutes from Birmingham International Train Station.
Add in easy motorway links from all directions as well as free parking and it’s one of the easiest places to get to.
Inside is pretty fab too. Alongside the Arden Suite where the event will be held, it has luxury bedrooms, spa and pool and of course a decent restaurant and bar; in fact all the things you need to make this tax deductible weekend the perfect venue for a pre Mother’s Day dose of enthusiasm and relaxation.
To book visit the hotel website or check out for special deals on booking.com
Please note Good Florist Event is ONLY open to owners and their staff of bricks and mortar businesses and recognised studio florists. It is not designed for Home Workers or Students and the organisers reserve the right to reject any ticket application they think inappropriate. Wholesalers/Importers and others in the supply chain should email