Learn Floristry from the Experts
RHS approved Learning with Experts courses now available.
The Learning with Experts online courses have already been approved by the RHS and with some seriously good reviews on Trustpilot, a proven place to learn. Now they are offering two floristry courses, hosted by two of the most famous florists in the world which offer either one to one or group learning opportunities.
Study environmental Floristry with Shane Connolly
Passionate about British flowers and foliage, Shane holds Royal warrants of appointment to both HM The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales but is perhaps best known for designing the beautiful wedding flowers for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011.
He's also famous for pioneering sustainable techniques, and during this course he's taken a ‘no floral foam' stance to lead the next wave of environmental floristry.
This course teaches practicing florists and enthusiasts alike how to create floristry with the very latest natural and environmentally friendly techniques. Shane will share his professional secrets throughout both the demonstration, practice and thinking in these unique online lessons.
Your assignments will challenge you to develop your own style with these influences. No floral design will be too big or too small. Shane and his team will give you direct feedback on your designs if you choose the expert version.
Study Floristry with Paula Pryke OBE
Paula Pryke OBE is a world renowned florist who has been based in London for nearly thirty years. In 1988, Paula had a dream of opening a little flower shop in Islington. From these humble beginnings she changed the face of British floristry and has become one of London's top florists.
Paula published her first book in 1993 and has now published 22 flower books, which have been translated into as many languages. Initially, Paula's style was embraced in Japan and America but more recently she has been working and influencing floral design in Korea, China, India and South America establishing her globally as one of the world’s top florists.
Master different techniques and enhance your creativity with this practical guide to floral design from one of the world's leading authors on floristry and flower arranging. On this 4 lesson course, Paula offers her personal guidance and tuition. Learn her approach to different kinds of arrangements, how to work with props and the trade secrets of creating stunning floral displays.
To find out more and book your places visit Learning with Experts.