Society of Floristry reunites to celebrate
If you are one of the many florists who aspired to gain ICSF or NDSF after your name, then March 12th is your chance to remember the challenges and celebrate your success.
Because Past President Ian lloyd, has organised a reunion lunch in Nottingham. A chance for past members to meet up in a convivial way and celebrate the many 'do you remember' moments of an organisation that was such an integral part of the industry before being merged into the BFA.
The reason for the reunion is simple as Ian explained. “Last year I lost three floristry champions in my life - June Shallcross, Pat Reeves and Angela Vokalek. I couldn’t go to any of their funerals, and I really wish we had met up. These days it’s too easy to lose track or be too busy so decided that I would do something – not just to make sure connections happen but celebrate an organisation that did so much for the industry."
Indeed, it’s probably fair to say that Society of Floristry (SOF) was THE pinnacle when it came to a national standard of training and qualifications. Open to every florist who wanted to show that their skills were above average, the number of florists taking their exams was huge. Oh yes and SOF was also the leader when it came to organising events, workshops and organising competitions.
The lunch, which is already being attended by some 30 florists including the wonderful Ian Prosser who is flying over from the USA for it, is open to any former members, supporters and friends of the Society and taking place at the Corinthia Restaurant in Nottingham’s Masonic Hall, located on Goldsmith Street in the city centre.
It costs just £45 for a four-course lunch with wine, starts at 11.30 with welcome drinks, ends at 15.15 before adjourning to the bar for more chatting and an informal evening gathering for those who want!!
How to Book
Email Ian at
Account name: Mr I Lloyd Sort Code 09-01-30 Account number 11659738