Successful 2021 FCH Trends webinar
Trendwatcher Aafje Nijman has given the Flower Council of Holland’s Dutch stakeholders the usual detailed and inspiring look ahead at the trends and developments for the coming year and how the floriculture sector can utilise them.
Due to Covid-19 the 2021 Horticulture Sector Trends presentation took an unfamiliar form as it was a webinar. But the spontaneous reactions afterwards from the hundred or so listeners were very positive.
Style Trends
Every year Aafje Nijman of Bureau Nijman + Van Haaster identifies style trends for the floriculture sector in collaboration with Tuinbranche Nederland, iBulb and the Flower Council of Holland. Social, technological and economic developments that were already happening are accelerating. Combined with non-traditional attitudes they are resulting in a new zeitgeist.
Obviously, the effect of the coronavirus crisis and the unexpected challenges that it has posed are having an impact. This changing zeitgeist is also leading to changing consumer needs. Not just for products and brands, but also with regards to flowers, plants and gardens.
All this information forms the basis for the 2021 Horticulture Sector Trends which FCH hope will provide the sector with the tools to continue to inspire and motivate customers and stakeholders in 2021.
Change Reaction
Aafje describes the 2021 zeitgeist as a ‘Change Reaction’. Commenting on the theme she said “We are in the midst of the process of change that we described last year in the trend vision ‘Irresistible’. The consequences of this will become clearly visible in 2021. The transition to the new situation requires us to take action and modify our habits to ensure a better future.
Change is the new normal. Set against this is the fact that many people have a good life and are therefore unwilling to forgo certain achievements. It is therefore very important that changes in our society lead to improvement in the quality of life.
The Four value trends that are shaping this (general) zeitgeist: are:
Keep it Mankind
More than ever, we long for humanity. We need real contact full of understanding and empathy.
Revise the moral
We are aware that things have to be done differently. Respect for people, animals and earth is central to this. The time of COVID-19 requires rethinking and future-oriented action.
Take a stand
We stand up for our interests, we confess colour and speak out. More than ever, we value leadership clarity and conviction.
Pick your cherries
Before COVID-19 we already experienced a scarcity of time and space, that is only getting stronger. We look for possibilities that increase our happiness and our own well-being.