Treat yourself to a Chelsea Fun Day for florists!
London goes flower and plant crazy from the 22nd of May when the gates open to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The Florist Magazine is doing its own special thing the day before!!
Because if you a need a recharge ... a fabulous dose of flowers and plants ... a chance to chinwag with some brilliant florists AND meet Mr Plant Geek - Michael Perry, one of the coolest plantsmen we know, then our Chelsea Fun Day is for you.
It's being held at the fabulous Chelsea Physic Garden (we'll be running a special tour so you can find out why this garden has been so important for 350 years!!), some of our amazing Good Florist Guide members are creating a rather splendid installation on the roof, we'll be getting business focussed and we'll be hearing how Michael uses social media to the full. Oh yes and cruising the streets of Chelsea and Belgravia to see the most amazing floral displays.
All the details are below and you can book a ticket using the booking page here - just £75 for everything including lunch, teas, coffee and pastries!!
Hurry though ... numbers strictly limited – just 30 places left!!