Blue Chrysanthemums a reality
They are known the world round for the oh so gorgeous Carnations which come in a whole host of blues and purples. Now, after years of research, Suntory Flowers and Naro have created a unique range of purple violet-blue chrysanthemums market under the brand name BluOcean™.
Working with nature the scientists have managed to synthesize delphinidin, the blue pigment contained in most blue flowers — the same method used to create the Mooncarnations as well as the Suntory Blue Rose Applause.
Five different Chrysnathmum will be available.
BluOcean™ Coral: A deep rich purple and the darkest of the BluOcean™ series. It is a decorative novelty pom-pom chrysanthemum. Contrasting colours are the Opal and Sapphire varieties.
BluOcean™ Jade: A decorative novelty chrysanthemum that is a light violet-blue tone. Very close to the Florigene Moonlite Carnation.
BluOcean™ Opal: Lavender-blue with a light lime coloured centre. This chrysanthemum has a large bloom diameter. It is an open-centre cushion, novelty semi-double. Petals sometimes have a tubular or quill shape.
BluOcean™ Purple Sapphire: A dark purple colour which changes to light violet-blue during vase life. It’s a cushion-type pom-pom chrysanthemum with a daisy-like shape and button-type centre.
BluOcean™ Sapphire: The bluest of all the BluOcean™ chrysanthemums. An open centre cushion or novelty semi-double with a beautiful light green center. Its large blooms sometimes display soft tubular or quill shape petals.
Although only currently available in Canada and the United States of America hopefully by 2024 they’ll make their way to Europe and everyone can enjoy them.