Good Florist Guide creates Member Council
Whilst GFG may be a private company it really is all about the members and why it has decided to create a more formal, member led, system for the coming year.
The change starts with a formal Council – initially led by Morgan Douglas Nuth, Karen Lindsay, Nicola Evans and Karen Massey who have been members for many years and worked on many of the GFG Events - and over the next couple of months will grow to include regional co-ordinators and a team of amazing GFG volunteers.
Commenting on the move, Caroline Marshall-Foster, Editor of Florist Trade Magazine and founder of the unique Good Florist Guide concept, said; “With membership of GFG on the rise and the need to constantly make sure it is working for everyone, it is important that the members have their say and are instrumental in driving it forward.
She continued: “I will still be involved - I’m not getting rid of my purple pens just yet! - but I really want GFG to be member led so the Council and regional co-ordinators will be taking over so that GFG can grow and develop as it should. Not only am I incredibly appreciative of everyone’s enthusiasm to get involved and take charge but think it is seriously exciting and will see GFG grow into an even more positive space for commercial florists who mean business.”
About Good Florist Guide
Good Florist Guide was founded back in 1999 as Master Florist and a way to create a collective, collaborative and safe space for commercial florists. It changed its name to the more consumer friendly Good Florist Guide and remains the only kitemark of quality in the world where members have to apply and be accredited by their peers – no one can simply buy their way in.
The membership is made up of florists from every type of business – from small independent shops to multi-million-pound event florists and all points in-between and from throughout the UK and Ireland.
What they all share is an above average level of service, design, branding and attitude to be the very best they can and use their knowledge to help fellow members on everything and anything to help make their businesses stronger.
The accreditation process begins with a formal application or personal nomination and once a member is accepted their membership is reviewed every year – a bit like an MOT – to make sure they maintain the standards expected.
In addition to the high style and instantly recognisable logo – changed each year of accreditation to show they are valid - and certificate, members receive stickers and tags, a lapel badge, social media assets, a dedicated private Facebook page where they can share ideas and thoughts and a monthly Zoom room meeting covering key tops as well as much needed chat and support.
Just some of the current GFG members ... if you are interested to joining them visit the Good Florist Guide website here or email Karen Lindsay at