Judges Guild launch new photo comp
There's a new competition with a top prize of £300!
Launched by UK Floristry Judges Guild, with an exciting bridal schedule and a prize of £300 for the winner, plus valuable PR when the winning designs are published on social media and the press, the competition is now open for entries and with a closing date of Friday 31st May 2020 there's plenty of time to plan your piece!
It is easy to enter too. All you have to do is supply four digital photographs of your design and send them to the UKFJG at
Once all entries are in, a panel of professional floristry judges from the UKFJG will evaluate the designs and announce the winners..
For more information about the competition and how to enter click here or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.
About the Judges Guild: The UK Floristry Judges Guild was established in 1999 and its primarily function is to standardise judging at floristry competitions throughout the UK and Ireland and to maintain excellence in judging floristry competitions. All UKFJG judges are highly trained and maintain their specialist standards with continuous professional development each year. The UKFJG provides professional floristry judges for competitions and offers services such as schedule writing and organising competitor question and answers prior to a competition.