Powerhouse Florist takes top prize for second time!

Powerhouse Florist takes top prize for second time!

She is a force of nature … five kids, a massively busy shop which sits in the very top percentile of shop turnover, she’s part of the Good Florist Guide Council, an Ambassador for Oasis Floral Products and has just become the BFA Retail Florist of the Year for the second time having first won it in 2019. 

She is Karen Lindsay, owners of the gorgeous Flowers by Karen in Kilmarnock – a town in the Southwest of Scotland – and a woman who doesn’t just go for every opportunity but grabs them both hands and makes it happen.  Caroline Marshall-Foster interviewed this powerhouse to discover what makes her tick.

How did you get to where you are today?

To be honest I just happened upon Floristry when I was 13 and then I got a job as Saturday girl in the local village florist, (McConnells in Beith) continued to work there throughout school and helped at peaks and school holidays.

We moved about 20 miles away but I quickly got another job at Alysons flowers in Irvine  and worked every Saturday, peak and university holidays, learning more and more about the trade. Even when I was at uni I used to go in early to cut and condition flowers to give the girls a head start in the morning. 

After I graduated with my BA Hons in Media, I got a job in a newspaper, whilst continuing to work Saturdays and helping at peaks.  Then after a couple of years I realised where my heart really was, so I rolled up that newspaper and opened my own shop in Kilmarnock. 

How would you describe your style?

I’m not sure I really have a style as such, in fact after 33 years in the industry I’m still finding my style, and hope that never changes!

On a day-to-day basis I’m commercial because that is what my business requires. We cater for what our customers want, let’s face it that’s what retail florists do, but you can easily get bogged down when you are limited to price all day long and knocking out £50 hand ties and baskets. And on weddings we’ll do whatever the bride wants ... traditional, modern, Boho, we’ve made them all.

That said I have had some amazing opportunities which have allowed me to really push the boundaries, like designing with some fellow Good Florist Guide members at Leeds Castle, then returning the following year as part of Morgan Douglas Nuth’s design team with fellow florists Keri Walker and Nicola Evans; a fabulous way to learn from other florists and seeing things from a different perspective.

I am lucky enough to have been given some amazing opportunities that I have grabbed with both hands. Highlights of my career have been working with the Good Florist Guide on many projects including Chelsea in Bloom, meeting some lifelong friends. Becoming an Ambassador for Oasis Floral Products, a leading brand in our industry and also Ambassador for the first ever National Florist Day, which was an amazing success and I’m sure will grow in the years to come. I have demonstrated for the British Florist Association at their first ever Scottish Hub and again at The Flower Lab for the industry exhibition Fleurex. 

Hopefully I’m the sort of florist that isn’t limited to a set style but able to turn my hand to any task and create whatever the brief requires. 

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How does it feel to win the Florist of the Year title for a second time?

 It feels amazing to have brought the title back to Kilmarnock for a second year, we have worked so hard this year both as a business and personally.  I have attended as many industry events as possible and taken on every opportunity that has come my way and it is really amazing to be acknowledged for the hard work we do, the excellent customer service that we offer to customers, and the special bond we have achieved with our customers by becoming a trustworthy local business.  I feel that I have really involved myself in the industry and have an amazing sense of belonging to something bigger than just my little retail flower shop. 

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Are you an Insta or Facebook type of girl and how does it help the business?

I use both but my customers engage much better with us on Facebook. We are very proactive and post consistently, on both platforms. I am a confident speaker and have done many live videos, and demos for my customers. We have over 12k followers on Facebook, with a fantastic reach and amazing interaction.

I find special offers on Facebook to work particularly well. I can post an offer at 8.50am and the phone is crazy for hours. We sell out on all of our offers, every time.

I tell myself that my degree in media has helped me with the social media side of things, however I feel that may just be to justify 4 years at university, when I came back to Floristry anyway!

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How do you tick the ethical trading boxes in terms of environmental and sustainability issues and do customers care?

If I’m being totally honest, the majority of my customers couldn’t care less, but I feel better knowing we are trying to be more sustainable, we reduce and reuse wherever we can and we use Oasis Bio foam and Biofilm whenever we can. 

Who inspires you in the world of business and why?

I can’t say anyone really springs to mind from the business world but if I were to choose someone, I’d say JK Rowling, simply because she is creative and imaginative, and managed to turn her ideas into a multimillion-pound business.

Who inspires you in the world of floristry and why?

First up would be Morgan Douglas Nuth.  I’m inspired every day by Morgan, who has become an amazing friend, I owe so much to him for his guidance, help and belief in me. He has pushed me to do things that I feel I’m not comfortable doing, and then afterwards I realise, ‘you know what, I am bloody amazing at that!’. I love how he has a grand idea and design in his head, scribbles it on paper and within a few days manages a team of florists to create exactly what he wanted. Trusting other people and listening to their opinions. Morgan has opened so many doors for myself and many others over the years I am sure I’m not alone when I say that he is a true industry hero. 

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What did you learn from the Pandemic?

I realised that however scary the thought of Covid 19 is/was I just knew that I would do my dammed to make sure my business was able to come out of the other end. I realised just how resilient I am. I had 9 people on furlough, 5 kids off school, a husband at work, and I managed to work on my own for the first 6 weeks on funerals only.   Looking back now I have no idea how I managed, but you just do. I also learned that at the end of the day, YOU need to make your business work and do what’s right for YOUR business.

How have things changed since then?

 Our business is now 23 years old; we adapt and change all the time as there are so many challenges faced by our industry.  I have learned to push the boundaries and look outside my own business for inspiration, to get involved in as many industry events as possible, because it all in turn benefits myself and my business 

What new things have you done or introduced since we last met

We haven’t changed our business model much over the years, simply because it’s working. We do however try to come up with new ideas for our customers and are about to launch a product to beat the Winter Monday Blues. A carry bag with flowers and a coffee cup to be filled along the road by a local coffee shop. I’m sure there will be many more ideas in the future.

Where do you see the future for you as a business?

I hope Flowers by Karen continues to grow and thrive. At the forefront of floristry in our area and recognised for the quality products we produce. On a more personal level I would love to set more time aside for design roles, some product development and travel around the world, as part of my job. I’ve four children at school and one’s away to university, so it’s a bit easier to get out and about. I’m sure I will have some exciting opportunities along the way, and I’ll grab them with both hands 

Do you buy online or go to a wholesaler?

Personally, I have my eggs in many baskets which works wonderfully for us. Online I use The Flower Bank, and Flowering Direct.  Locally I use Johnston and Scott, Glasgow 

What’s your best marketing tip to another florist?

Without a doubt - PEOPLE BUY PEOPLE!  Be visual, don’t hide, be proud of yourself and what you are achieving, your customers want to join in and celebrate your achievements with you. Be yourself.

What do you do on your day off?

Washing ... with 5 kids what else!! 

The plug … what’s so great about your business and why should people use it?

UK Retail Florist of the year for the second time … think it shows we must be doing something right!  Our customers are the most important people to us, and I’d like to think our Vision, Mission and Values shows what we’re about and why people should order from us. We are a trustworthy brand who care about our community and town. Small enough to be personal and big enough to offer the best services that we can.

To see Karen in action you can follow her on Instagram or Facebook




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